Friday, November 19, 2010

today i just got to know from one of the doctors after i ask a favour from her to check my MRI result....
den i realise after she explained to me that i'm having degeneration over my cervical ( C6 - 7).
and is quite a bad one for my age now....
athough i dun noe how to read the scan... but from i what i see is wao.... bad...
can really see my cervical is so close to each other....

now what are the option for me?? medicines??( which im taking now... but seem like is not working), surgery??... or others???

bless me bah.... haiz...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

going to MRI later alone....
worry, scared..... but no one to attend to
now i can understand how my pt felt when i push them to MRI like tht....

Saturday, November 13, 2010

短短的一天里, 我写了两则blog,
父母无形的压力, 有时让我喘不过气。。。
尤其是今天。。。 发现妈妈从香港买了结婚的进茶的器具
和她今天说的话, 让我不知所措。。。

Friday, November 12, 2010

在这世界上。。。 没有公平这件事 , 尤其是在感情这回事
两个人的感情 不只是等于两个人的事。。。 而是两家的事
想做自己喜欢的事 但又怕家人反对, 怕他们不高兴。。。
所以只能压抑自己的心情, 去做自己心里相反的事。。。
我曾经也想过不理会家人的感受, 想作自己想做的事,
但结果我没有。。。 因为我背着家的隐形的负担。。。
因为它拥有了父母的爱,家的凝聚力 和家的责任。。。
一旦我选择放下, 我将对不起父母的养育之恩,
也因为我的确定, 可能会导致家变。。。 而这是我不想看到的事

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

家人不在的第一天。。。 面对家里的四道墙。。。
好空虚。。。 好寂寞。。。
我讨厌这种感觉。。。。 好像全世界剩我一人。。。
没人陪伴。。。 没人说话。。。
希望你能了解。。。 希望你能谅解

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Days for alonliness is coming soon.... equal to home alone....
the fear of staying at home alone makes me freak out.....
hope i can survive thru....

Friday, November 5, 2010

deepavali is a day for joy and happiness.....
but i had just send one pt to heaven.....
somemore is indian..... wat a coinicident....
maybe he choose to be celebrating the joy and happiness in another world....

thanks to all the people who had help out.....
if w/o you guys, i dun noe how am i going to survive thru 1 DIL and 1 DDIL ( who had pass away)
but i was shock to see one of my sister help out wor....
cun believe my eyes.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Finally i finish my assessment and assignment le....^^
can at least relax for the next 3 week before next sem start....
fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz