Saturday, February 2, 2013

Today, out of my surprise, i saw my ex smn in my ward, bringing her nephew to come to see the medical field before he decided to embark to be a doctor.
When i saw her, i got the unknowning joy inside me that i wanted to cry.
the joy that i wanted to hug her. When she introduced me to her nephew and to my ward sister as my boy, it just bring a smile on my face.
A smile that is deep from my heart. The moment that lighten up my day.
When she asked that qn, unknowingly i knotting my head  showing the eagerness that i would want to return to the place i long to be. Now , all i hope is that this wish is coming soon .

Friday, February 1, 2013

Recently, there are many things happened at work.
until our big big boss has to come down to find out what happen actually.
when the truth has spoken, promises from the big big boss broken,
it really makes me think even more that i wanted to leave this place asap.
it just slowly killing me  mentally.
the used to be happy and joyful person i once be, becoming other's eye back stabber and have to hide the truth feeling in me, is gone or should i say it slowly dying off.
politic, is the most quiet, but most harmful weapon to have at work that will kill people silently.
fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz