Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Time for some update and my resolution for next year which is coming in like 2 hour time.
Also to reflect back on my resolution I made for this year. let's see if I had complete how many of my targets.

First of all, I was back to civilisation on 22 Dec after a training by OBS. A lot of things had happen during this 21 days course. Some personal stuff that happen during this 21 days but I shall not talk about it until everything is confirm. In this 21 days course, I have met people from all area (eg. teachers from primary , secondary, ITE and JC ) , children society members and counsellor. Total there are 3 groups been form, one is my group which we call ourselves (OldBS) because we are the oldest among the 3 groups. The other groups were formed by teenagers aged 17 to 18. At that point of time, I feel old but during the course, it has proven that the oldest is still the wiser one. We still can win the younger people, we may be slow but we have the stamina and endurance. And we complete the stuff as one group. :) The surprise thing that shocked me was that I lost weight during this course. I lost 5kg in just 21 days. haha :)

Today , 7 of us went back to palau ubin to enjoy the moment and memories that we had during the 21 days. it was fun and enjoyable to go through the checkpoint that we had to achieve that time. we are crazy but all this is worth it, because it kept the memories of us . We been through the thick and thin together as one. :)

Time to do some reflect on my resolution that I had made early this year.

Resolution for 2013:
1) transfer out to my old ward ( I made it back !!!!!)
2) Earn more moneyhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png from shares ( at least $1000) ( I made 2k plus for this year:))
3) loss weight to 72 to 73kg ( Now weight 71.1kg:))
4) wallet ( never get it. Maybe will get it next year)
5) get back in the love game and find my mrs right ( Still finding. hope it is coming real soon )
6) travel out of singapore more  (Went out to Taiwan, Bangkok)
7) be happy ( most of the time :))
8) move toward mangerial role ( still in progress but need more time)
9 ) have many good dates with my friends and love one ( had many good time with my friends and love one )
10) learn more songs for guitar ( guitar list song increase from 5 to 12)

As I can see out of 10 resolution I manage to achieve 6.5 of my aim which is quite good for me. So what is my resolution for 2014?? hmmmm...

As for Resolution 2014:
1) Wallet
2) join more run and marathon this year
3) Travel out of Singapore with friends and family and love one more
4) Be happy
5) Earn money from stock market ( at least $2000)
6) Find my Mrs Right
7) Maintain weight at 70kg
8) Move toward managerial role
9) Start my master course
10) Learn more guitar songs
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