Thursday, March 31, 2011

我发现当一个人的岁数渐渐地增加和环境的影响, 人的思想,想法 和物质上的需要都会慢慢地成熟。 当你刚踏入社会工作时,你要的大多是好高务远的东西。 因为环境的影响,你所要的,和你所想的会 慢慢的不一致。 你会慢慢的脚踏实地的追求你可以要的和你有能力要的。这就是人生。。。

Monday, March 28, 2011

today i made a big decision that i should have done maybe a few week back. that is i submitted my self nomination form up to DNA . i been pondering where or should i go. but now , seem like i know what i want to go, so... wait for the outcome bah. whoever saw this from my ward, this few months, maybe the last few months with you all le. All the best to you all bah. :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011


有时候,你很想念一个人 -
但你不会给他打电话 -
因为 -
打电话给他 -
对方冷冷的一句“喂” -
会让你不知说什么好 -
还是不打比较好 -
发个信息吧 -
好怕对方不回信息 -
要不~就算回了也就简短到让人心疼的一个“哦” -
打电话给久未谋面的知己 -
以前 -
你们什么都可以谈 -
现在 -
通电话了,只会谈一些无关紧要的事 -
那种感觉并不好。 -
此后 -
当你想她 -
你不会再打电话给她 -

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I was typing my CV for my study and one of the section is to talk about my nursing philosphy.
i was like hmmm... my nursing philosphy i nearly forget le lor... den i slowly recall why i join nursing in the first place. so here goes my nursing philosphy:

I believe that nurses are the most important in the healthcare setting. This is because without nurses, the healthcare system will not be able to function properly. When we nursed patients, we should treat them equally irregardless which class they are in. We should provide them the most appropriate care and to the best of our ability. We will not be in this line if all we want is money. This is because we care for people; we want to be there for them when they are sick and to accompany them for their last journey if they do not have any family.

Hope this will be always in my mind and heart. i hope.. if not my fire for nursing will be gone...

Monday, March 14, 2011

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz